Canberra, ACT
(Australian Capitol Territory)

These pics are primarily for Jill and John,
who will be moving here from Chicago soon.

Canberra from Mt. Ainsley

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Downtown Canberra, on the left.
That's Parliament across the lake on the right.

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The neighborhood where John and Jill should live.

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The house John and Jill should live in.

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Mt. Ainsley with Clark, Joanie, and Groovy Stoovey.
This is a typical Canberra Autumn sky.

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Clark & Joanie with a peripheral Stoovey
at the site of their soon to be constructed
new home in Jerrabombera (great Aboriginal name).

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Joanie with a background Clark at the Fishwyck Market, wonderful place.

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Another market shot.

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These boys bring you great fish at the Fishwyck Market.

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Joanie's and Clark's silly boys Tyler and Ryan on Mt. Ainsley.

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Clark with basil, swordfish, and boconcini enchiladas.
That's Stoovey with a margarita, again in the periphery.

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Mexican night at the Perry's.

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David Martin with a San Miguel and Mark's infamous guacamole.

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Mary Martin and new arrival Evan, both needing sleep.

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Evan's grandparents, Bill and Jen Martin with his older brother Isaac.

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Joanie on her throne.

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Ryan Clark holding Evan.

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Tyler and Ryan making "mixtures." Potential chefs.

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The rest of these pictures are about the folks at the
Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra.

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Jeff Bond, head honcho of the Sport Psychology Group at the AIS.

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Clark, hardly working.

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Kelly, sport psychology intern, laser printing herself into a frenzy.

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The most wonderful Pam Windsor, my bestest lunch mate.
She keeps the whole sport psychology unit running smoothly.

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Soon to be "Dr." Trish Leahy, sport psycho extraordinaire.

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Clark and me at the ACT sports award. I rented a tux; I thought someone had died.

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Calvin, that "capitol" boy, takes you home.