The Netherlands

Amsterdam, there's not a 90 degree angle in the whole town.

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Coffee with George and Stoovey in Utrecht.

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George in the bell tower of the Cathedral.

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George, Mirjam, and Mark going for coffee in Amsterdam.

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Everywhere there were these "Australian Ice Cream" stores
in the Netherlands. All we Aussies were completely clueless.
Aussies eat New Zealand ice cream.

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Guy making poffertjes with hungry guy watching. The pastries are
these wonderful fried dough grease and sugar balls...just about perfect.

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Mirjam, George, and Mark at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam
(where all the Rembrandts are).

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Utrecht from the bell tower of the cathedral.

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Stoovey, me, Laura, and Stoovey's mom in Utrecht.

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Stoovey in the junkiest junk shop in Utrecht.

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Choir on the canal in Utrecht.

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Lunch on the canal in Utrecht with George, Laura, me, and Ma Stoové.

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Gouda Boy, Calvin, takes you home.