Party for new, current, and past sport psych students
at Victoria University, my place in St. Kilda


The beer cooler

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Mark "Groovy" Stoovy auditions for a VB ad.
The completely looney Kathy Roberts in the background

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The Matts (Queree & McGregor).
Sean Richardson, another Canuck like Matt Q, in the background

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Hongjin and Jin Wang (Jin is Daryl Marchant's student).
Jin is one of the most dedicated students we have.
We need another 10 like him.

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The gradual students: André Dawson, Matt Queree, a dork,
Jacqui Louder, Matt McGregor, and Peter Kello

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How does McGregor work it to get in so many shots?
Jacqui, Matt, Shiela, Matt, and Peter

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A thorn between two roses, Delwyn Goodrick and Heather Gridley

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More graduals Dianne Wilson and Stephanie O'Brien

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Who is that movie star?

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Gradual Tony Watt and Dr. Marchant
(who looks like he has had one VB too many)

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Delwyn, who looks like she is flashing a gold tooth (not really)
and the most wonderful Heather Gridley

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Delwyn Goodrick: The Hunk Magnet

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Craig and Klaus at the end of the night

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My student, André Dawson, just received word that he officially has
been awarded his master's degree, so we had to light up some Cubans

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Georgina Sutherland and Harriet Speed stole our cigars for a pose.
Another case of "cigar envy" (Stoové and McGregor in the background)

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Canucks clean their plates.

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Gavin Dagley, André Dawson, and Kevin Spencer--three new doctoral
students working primarily with Dr. Speed--lambs to the slaughter

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Calvin is your "homely" boy