Party for new, current, and
past sport psych students
The beer cooler
Mark "Groovy" Stoovy auditions for a VB ad.
The Matts (Queree & McGregor).
Hongjin and Jin Wang (Jin is Daryl Marchant's student).
The gradual students: André Dawson, Matt Queree, a dork,
How does McGregor work it to get in so many shots?
A thorn between two roses, Delwyn Goodrick and Heather Gridley
More graduals Dianne Wilson and Stephanie O'Brien
Who is that movie star?
Gradual Tony Watt and Dr. Marchant
Delwyn, who looks like she is flashing a gold tooth (not
Delwyn Goodrick: The Hunk Magnet
Craig and Klaus at the end of the night
My student, André Dawson, just received word that he
officially has
Georgina Sutherland and Harriet Speed stole our cigars for
a pose.
Canucks clean their plates.
Gavin Dagley, André Dawson, and Kevin Spencer--three new
Calvin is your "homely" boy